Wednesday, December 27, 2006

balloon-popping fun.

i just went out for my lunch break, thinking i could take a nice little walk to barnes & noble, and then eat a hot dog at the zoo. sounded like a nice afternoon. right? right?

oh, yeah. the week after christmas. infestation week. (and in case you didn't know, i work on 5th and 52nd. perfect.)

for a few minutes, your typical new yorker will ignore these annoying heards of people, but when you have to wait at a corner while the traffic light changes from red to greenthree times, you tend to get a little aggrivated about a fifteen-foot walk that ends up taking ten minutes.

so, tourists, i understand: this is your vacation, this is your big chance to look at gigantic fucking trees and eat overpriced salads. you plan this all year. you want to shop in overpriced stores for clothes you either can't afforf, or own three of already. you want to look at "the greatest city on earth" at night, its skycrapers lit up as people work overtime and it's high-end stores brightly decorated for the season. i get it. you love this place.

but, you need to understand: this is my fucking lunch hour. this is the only hour, out of 12, where i get to do whatever i please. i want to go pick up a book to read on my hour and a half commute back home. i want to shop from deli to deli to find an underpriced salad. i want to take a train to chinatown and get knock-off rolexes and mixtapes. i want to walk accross the street when i want, instead of having to walk next to a barrier because one of you was too stupid to judge the speed of a taxi years ago.

us new yorkers have a reputation for being rude. that's great. we probably are. but if someone stood in front of you every five minutes to take a picture of a building, if someone burned your arm with a cigarette butt trying to squeeze into a cliche toy store, if someone told you they couldn't count (yes, all NYC blocks are numbers. if you're looking at sixth avenue, and you're trying to get to fifth, shouldn't you subtract one and walk to the left? is that tough?) four times over, if a three-year-old spit up on your deisel shoes, all in a matter of five minutes, while you were just trying to smoke a cigarette and get back to work, i'm pretty sure you'd be rude to.

maybe we're not rude. maybe you're the rude ones. or maybe you're all just fucking retarted. you want to shop? go to fuckin' ebay. you'll save on shipping. you're ruining my birthplace. so, please,

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Lord, Give Me Grace

so, i'm a either a terrible blogger, or a terrible fan.

either way, the bloc party album leaked about a month ago. i gave it one run-through before deciding that i'd wait 'til it came out. i think it's going to suprise alot of people, and not nessicarily in a good way.

i posted the lyrics to the first single, "the prayer", about a month ago. i heard the song then, and loved it. every bloc party song is danceable, even the ballads, so it's really nice to listen to them talk about it.

either way, i tend to ramble. here's the video. the single could be purchased from here for £7. i haven't found a US store that's preselling either the single or the album, but as soon as i find out, i'll let you know.

Under the GrnApple Tree (ya know, like the reggae song)

i know, i need to focus more. sorry, again. but, i hope everyone had as terrific and nostalgic holiday season as i had.

i'm sort of emotional today (like that's unusual), and was going to give sort of a pre-"State of the Narra" address today. however, any rambling i feel obliged to do can wait 'til then. i'm going to act in the now for the next few days. unfortunately, now is surrounded by a bunch of legal binders and document production files. yay, fulbright!

anyway, since i'm a huge t-shirt and hoodie addict, i've kind of been kicking myself in the ass for not blogging about clothes yet. today, though, I stumbled across one of the most absurdly fresh things i've ever seen.

GrnApple Tree has been on the scene for a minute now, and their last series of hoodies have sold like hotcakes. (think LRG, minus the commercialism.) Above is the "Ornate" hoodie, chair, and beg set. yes, that's right. Not only can you pick up one of the hottest-selling hoodies of the year (the only one i can think of that had a bigger buzz was 10 Deep's "Chain Gang" jump-off), but you can get MATCHING FURNITURE. i'm sorry. i have absolutely nothing to say about this, besides this is the dopest fucking idea i've ever heard of. imagine if BAPE started doing shit like that? i mean, is this even a logical purchase? maybe not. but holy dope.

there's only about four or five pieces worldwide, so act fast. i think.


Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Artist of the Week

So, since i'm in art school, and do greatly appreciate a good astetic, i've decided that i'm going to start posting a new artist profile once a week. it might be a photographer, it might be a poet, it might be a goddamn juggler. all i can say is that i promise you, once a week, i'll declare someone artist of the week.

so, the first work i'd like to exhibit is a video from Emma Haskins, Laura Spencer, and Brooke Sahlstrom. this video is made solely of still-frames, over 2,000 of them in all. unfortunately, much of the quality has been lost due to converting the movie to a AVI. Still, it's worth checking out.

Alot of Surrealist work involves a bunch of ranbling, but i'll let this talk for itself. trust me, it does.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Pictures from The Empty Show

Sorry that it's been so long since i've posted anything, guys. With finals week finally coming to a close, i'll have more time on my hands and i'll be able to update this fun 'lil piece.

This is a picture from The Empty Show in Melbourne. I honestly have no idea what the show was about, but i figured this was so bad-ass that i had to show it off.

more pics here