two day's worth

pages left in book: fifty-eight
1. i will spend june counting the days when it doesn't rain, and folding dollar bills into dollar bill airplanes.
2. i will read a minimum of 50 pages a day. this should be especially easy on days i work, considering i can read 18 pages between the silver spring and chinatown metro sations.
3. i will buy and build a new bookshelf.
4. i will write every day, with no set goal on word or page count.
5. i will right every day, with no set goal on soul count.
6. i will take one picture a day, with each ilaria and my phone.
7. i will remember july 1st, early august.
8. i will watch my sodium, and more beautiful things like FM airwaves and moving pictures.
9. i will listen to both sides of one pre-1985 record, and one newer album every day, from start to finish.
10. i will share at least two of the following things with the world every day: music, moving picture, still photography, my words, garbage.
i've made this list to keep my mind active, so active that at any given moment i might have an aneurysm or seizure. because right now, all we have is time, time, time, and someday, that time will run out.
that's the only thing you can be absolutely certain about.
"there's nothing more boring than a well-traveled person."
photo: my good friend daggar slade of san marcos, texas. his flickr.
music: paul baribeau - ten things, purchase at amazon or
quote: from don delillo's great jones street. save the publishing industry, or save some dollars.