Monday, October 30, 2006

So, here we are.

Welcome to the first post on the sure to be fantastically fantastic blog of yours truly, Mr. Mark Cugini. After all the time spent knocking these things, I still can't believe I've actually decided to run my own. I guess if you use them for the quickest form of news updates, you get into the habit of thinking you could do it, too.

So, to spare you drawn-out details, I’ll say there is absolutely no theme to this jammy. i'm just going to post a bunch of things that I find interesting. it's going to be very ADD. or HDAD. Whatever the kids are calling it nowadays.

But, I will tell you a few things about myself. My name's Mark. I'm from New York, Staten Island, specifically (not proud of that), and I'm currently living in New Hampshire. I'm twenty-one. I'm a writer, and I’m currently studying how one should write. I don't know how good I am at it. I'm pretty anti-popular. I'm punctuation obsessed. I love the Jets. I hate capitalization. I love music, and all types of it. I love bright clothing. I hate generic clothing lines. I hate commercial literature, music, and art. I love beer. I believe in surrealism. I hate superficial people. I'm not going to live my life trying to have millions and millions of dollars; i just want to be happy. i hate being in the same place for more than twenty minutes. I hate racism, immaturity, and naive people. I'm a fan of street art, Bloc Party, and strange movies. I'm a terrible heterosexual.

So, in a nutshell, that's me. And I don't know how devoted I’m going to be to this little blog, but I do imagine I’ll update it at least a few times a day, for my audiences sake. that is, if I have an audience. so, until my first update (which will likely be in a few minutes), have a good evening. Sexy.

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